Robert Eyre


PhD Student in Engineering Mathematics / Data Scientist

Predicting changes in place-of-interest visitation to Italy during the COVID pandemic
Stay tuned ...
Facebook reveals how businesses recover after natural disasters [Paper] [Facebook Business Activity Trends]
How do areas recover after natural disaster? In this work I collected data from publically facing Facebook pages in three cities affected by different natural hazard events. I developed a statistical framework to transform this data into a meaningful signal that can quantify the recovery process of region affected by natural disaster. The results are verified using other indicators and studies of recovery after natural disaster. After publication I collaborated with the Data for Good team at Facebook to release Facebook Business Activity Trends, used by nonprofits and aid organisations to target relief.

Food hazards from around the world data visualisation competition (Winner)
[Link] [Entry]

Is there a relationship between the movement of people for education and loneliness? (Runner Up)
[Link] [Entry]